Arithmetic operators
Learn about the arithmetic operators in Dart & Flutter: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus.
Learn about the arithmetic operators in Dart & Flutter: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus.
Learn what break & continue keywords are and how they work in Dart & Flutter
Learn what are comments and how they work in Dart & Flutter
Learn about the compound assignment arithmetic operators in Dart & Flutter
Learn what is concatenation and interpolation and how they work in Dart & Flutter
Learn some of the data types in Dart & Flutter: String, int, double, num & bool
Learn what the do-while loop is and how it works in Dart & Flutter
Through this course, we have learned variables, types, operators, decision-making, etc. Now is the time to put what we have learned into practice
In this section, we will find some basic exercises on loops and lists.
Learn what the for loop is and how it works in Dart & Flutter. And learn the different types of for loops: for & for-in
Learn how to use DartPad and create the classic "Hello World"
Learn what is if-else and how it works in Dart & Flutter
Learn how to test a new condition if the previous condition is false using else-if in Dart & Flutter
Learn about the increment and decrement operators and how they work in Dart & Flutter
Learn how to use DartPad and create the classic "Hello World"
Learn what the List is and how they work in Dart & Flutter. Arrays in Dart & Flutter how to create them.
Learn what the logical operators are and how to use them in Dart and Flutter: not, or & and
Learn what the Map is and how it works in Dart & Flutter and how to create them
Learn what is the operator precedence and how it works in Dart & Flutter
Learn what are the decision-making expressions ?? & ? and how they work in Dart & Flutter
Learn what the relational operators are and how to use them in Dart and Flutter: equal to, not equal to, less than, greater than, less or equal to, greater or equal to
Learn what is the switch case statement and how to use in Dart and Flutter
Learn what the switch expression is and how to use it in Dart and Flutter
Learn what is null safety, what is the null value and how to create nullable variables
Learn what are variables and constants and how they work in Dart & Flutter
Learn what the while loop is and how it works in Dart & Flutter